Embodied Carbon Performance of Post-tensioned Voided Concrete

Vagelos Education Center in New York, New York, U.S. (Fig. 2)

Michael Hopper has co-authored "Assessment of the embodied carbon performance of post-tensioned voided concrete plates as a sustainable floor solution in multi-story buildings" with Jonathan M. Broylesab published in Engineering Structures, Volume 295, 15 November 2023, 116847
LERA Consulting Structural Engineers (LERA) has designed and constructed PT voided plates over the last decade... These buildings have successfully used PT voided plates to simplify formwork and minimize concrete and steel reinforcing quantities.
Six concrete floor systems are assessed and compared for EC savings.
PT voided plates have an EC savings up to 51% compared to conventional RC plates.
Concrete material quantities in the floor slab can be reduced up to 56%.
Non-traditional tendon layouts require fewer tendons compared to orthogonal layouts.
PT voided plates have comparable EC savings to alternative floor solutions.
Read the full article HERE.