LERA's Nayan Trivedi Interviewed for Architect and Interiors India

Nayan Trivedi, Partner was recently interviewed by Architect and Interiors India for a feature on the tall building industry in their November 2017 issue. The article, titled "Glocal Elevation: Tall Structures are Now Icons Celebrating the Power of Developing Economies," surveyed industry leaders around the world to get their take on how the design of tall buildings is affected by, and affecting, developing nations. LERA has been working in India since 2005, with Mr. Trivedi directing the Mumbai office.
"The tall building market in India has noticeably changed in recent years," he explained, "partly due to the developing economy, with a shift towards utilizing structural steel and/or high-strength concrete and rebar composites instead of conventional concrete construction. The wider availability and decreasing price of steel locally has helped to spark this trend."