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What sets LERA apart from other structural consultants is our design philosophy. Created with LERA’s detail oriented, hands on, and cost conscious work philosophy, our award-winning structural designs represent the full spectrum of building types. Our long tradition of innovative design and our advances in technology have brought us to the forefront of the engineering profession. With a reputation for design excellence, we work closely with all members of the owner, consultant, and construction teams to design projects of the highest quality. Our dynamic partnership and group of highly motivated individuals design economical, constructible, and cutting edge structures.
Highlights of LERA's Award-Winning Designs
The high quality of our peer review and value engineering services, which could include non-linear and disproportionate collapse analysis, is as equally recognized as our design expertise.
LERA’s Approach to Peer Review
In a typical peer review by LERA, the goals are as follows:
1) Confirm structural systems and details are consistent with the design intent.
2) Uncover areas of under-design.
3) Identify areas of excess conservatism and areas where construction details and methods can be made more economical.
4) Provide increased confidence in the completeness, the constructability and the reliability of the structural design, drawings and other documents with consideration of the site constraints, Owner and architectural requirements.
In achieving these goals, we are committed to providing not only confirmation of an adequate level of structural safety, but also value engineering recommendations that foster minimal time and cost of construction. LERA’s value engineering focuses not just on quantities, but also on design details that impact constructability. Economies achieved in the design details can result in significant savings when multiplied by the number of details in a big building.
LERA has considerable experience in the design of renovations and additions to existing buildings. Our services range from planning, condition and feasibility studies to construction documents for major alterations or expansions. Projects include condition surveys, inspection of curtain walls, and repairs to structures in distress. Projects for which we have provided these services include schools, cultural centers, government buildings, office buildings, hotels, arenas, theaters, and convention centers.
As with all renovations, the most likely problem to be encountered in the renovation of existing structures is inaccurate or missing information about existing conditions. Damage and deterioration to older structures may be extensive. Materials used in the construction of historic structures may also be vastly different from materials used today.
By visiting the site, we first try to determine where information is missing or where information seems inaccurate. We direct a program of on-site surveys and structural probes to determine the appropriate information for use in the renovation design. We make every effort to assess the condition of structural elements in order to preserve as much of the original structure as practical.
A distinguishing feature of renovation design is the challenge to design the project within constraints imposed by the need to operate the building while construction is accomplished. Equally challenging is the need to not disturb existing building systems, such as piping, conduits, partitions and the like while renovating. We coordinate our efforts with those of the client, the architect and the building services engineer so as to provide structural designs that are responsive to both these needs.
Certified as an MWBE in the State of New York, LERA is accredited as a Special Inspection Agency by the International Accreditation Agency and registered as a Special Inspection Agency with the New York City Department of Buildings. Our inspectors hold degrees in design as well as in inspection work. Their background and experience results in quality work.
Recognized as a leader in the field of structural engineering, LERA is called upon by attorneys, insurance companies, and their clients to investigate problems that arise on construction projects. Drawing upon our 90-year history of successful and innovative designs for a wide range of complex projects, we seek out the root causes of structural defects, performance issues, and collapses, and provide sound and reliable advice to our clients. Our services include investigations, litigation support services, expert testimony, risk assessments, design of remedial measures for damaged or poorly performing structures, and development of graphic tools that help legal teams explain things to triers-of-fact.
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LERA has collaborated with some of the world's most renown arts and cultural instutions on sculptural installations and permanent exhibits. LERA has designed display and foundation systems that incorporate wind and seismic requirements for massive works of art throughout the world.
© 2015 Leslie E. Robertson Associates