Update from Rubaya: Ethan Cotton Arrives in Rwanda for Engineers Without Borders Mission

Ethan helps carry water from a local stream to mix concrete.
After enduring delays and layovers due to a snow storm in New York, Ethan Cotton, Associate safely landed in sunny Rwanda to oversee early construction of a maize storage facility in Rubaya, part of the Engineers Without Borders USA, New York Professional Chapter Rubaya Program. Ethan, along with Evram Dawd, Design Engineer, has dedicated countless hours of his free time to help design the facility's structure, which will provide the local farming community with access to improved infrastructure.
Construction has gotten off to a swift start. Local workers and members of the community have cleared and prepared the site, placed and poured the foundations and begun forming the concrete columns.
Stay tuned for more updates! You can also find more pictures and information on the EWB-NY blog.

Members of the community carry water to the site -- leaving Ethan in the dust!

Workers compact a concrete column.

Laborers reference drawings in the field.

Future structural engineers!